Hello Drake experts!

Please, can anyone out there tell me what and why Drake in their alignment procedures 
for the T-4xc says: "Detune T5 by touching the rotor contact....   ... and tune the 
front 3.5 mHz injection trimmer for max. plate current."?
1 Does it mean I'm just to tuch the rotor contact and so to proceed, or should I 
2 Keep the insulated screwdriver in place WHILE I CONTINUE to trim the front trimmer?
3 What makes the difference?

Or is it ok to just trim the whole row of trimmers pr. band after setting slugs to the 
right height, the RF-trimmers first, by watching an external power-meter before the 
dummy-load? While keeping the plate current low not to fry my finals.

Could someone please give me some help, or a comment on this one? 
73 de LA6PKA Erling

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