Hi to everyone on the list,

i do not like to write this, however: As it appears now, internet
robots have detected my companies internet domain (where i'm
running my emails from) and are using general, public known
email-adresses from this domain (like: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED])
for distribution of spam (and, possibly, maybe viruses) by faking
the sender email adress. Clear statement: I or my company have
NOTHING to do with the distribution of any type of this malware.
Furthermore (even while not being the origin of that annoyance
in any case) i want to apologize for any inconvenience, that may
arise or may have arosen out of this criminal misuse of our
internet domain.

This fact came to my knowledge due to the simple fact, that a ever
increasing number of mail servers are declining my emails with
the error message "black list - we do not accept spam" or a refuse
message similar to that. This seems to be mainly the case with mail-
servers located in the US, as i can see now.

So, if anybody on this list is expecting answers, comments, respon-
ses or whatever from me, that she or he has not received yet, please
email me again, then i will respond from another email account. And,
please do me an additional favour: If possible, please inform your
email provider, that we (the domain listed in the "sender" or "from" header-section of this email) do not distribute any spam mail or
viruses on our own - our internet-domain simply became and becomes
misused in a criminal way from somebody, that i / we do not know and
that is uncontrollable by us / me. If possible, it would be nice, if
the email provider could remove our domain from the blacklist. This
should not elevate the level of danger, as all major email providers
(to my knowledge) are running up-to-date virus-checkers.

Thanks for your patience and understanding in reading this lines.

Kind regards and vy73

Herbert Schulz, DG7MCC

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