Greetings to all...
Though I am a Drake C-Line user, this question is actually about the strange signal I hear and see (on my spectrum analyzer).  I can see it aprox. every 27 KHz throughout the HF band up to about 18 MHz.  Level is about -60 to -90 dbm.  I hear it VERY loud up to and including 20 meters, but not on 15.  It tapers off somewhere between 16 and 20 MHz.  Kind of looks like FM on the analyzer, but sounds like a low freq 'rumble' to a high freq screech as it slowly drifts through.
When I first heard this (last year, when I set my rig up after a few years off the air) I thought it was my R4C trying to tell me something.  I did move to a new QTH in 2001, and I don't remember hearing this at the old QTH, which is only 6 miles away.  But I see it on the analyzer (HP 8591E) with my 100' center fed (with tuner).  Is this a data signal from the cable company?  I did not have cable at the old QTH, but I do have Comcast internet now.
 The other thing I'd like to mention is that I do live near the Willow Grove Navel Air Station (about 15 miles)  and I am in the landing approach (we have an "air show" almost every day!).   During certain times we get radar hits on our C-Band sat receiver, like during the Republican Convention.   Post-911 was very active with radar hits pretty constant. 
So, any ideas out there?  This list is the best out there, so thanks in advance!
Milt Taylor
WA3MDS (Phila. area) 

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