"Thom R. Lacosta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
For those that use digital modes or wonder about them, you might be interested in this announcement,


Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 07:36:15 -0500
From: Skip Teller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announcing the release of DigiPan 2.0


DigiPan 2.0 is now available for download at
http://www.digipan.net .

This new release, over a year in the making, once again changes
the way PSK31 and PSK63 are operated!

DigiPan 1.0 introduced mouse tuning in which the operator just
clicks on a signal on the waterfall to find out the callsign of a
station instead of tuning the transceiver. DigiPan 2.0 now
simultaneously decodes all signals in the IF passband, so the
callsign and current print of every station are already known.
Clicking anywhere on the text being transmitted by a station will
copy that station's callsign and text to an active receive area
where double-clicking on a callsign will capture it for
communication as usual.

If a station is sending CQ, the background of that station's text
is highlighted to alert you to the CQ call, or to any other two
text strings you wish to watch for.

The DigiPan Download Page now contains a simple Pactor
Interference Complaint reporting form. If you experience your
ongoing QSO being interrupted by a Pactor station, just fill in
as many of the blanks on the form as you can, press the "Send"
button, and a complaint will be emailed directly to the FCC.
Please take the trouble to do this for every such Pactor
interference instance, because the FCC wants to know the extent
of the Pactor interference problem so they can do something about
it, and if we do not let them know, they have no way of knowing
if a serious problem even exists. Please file a complaint
regardless of what mode you are using at the time by just going
to http://www.digipan.net and submitting the Pactor Interference
Complaint form. If it is not convenient to file a complaint
immediately, just make a note of the interference details and
file it later. Ask your QSO partner to file a complaint also.

DigiPan 2.0 uses all the F1-F12 function keys by default, so it
is important to quit any currently running DigiPan version,
locate and delete digipan.ini in the Windows directory before
installing version 2.0, and then install the new version. If you
want to preserve your current macros for copying over to DigiPan
2.0, first make a backup copy of digipan.ini, perhaps calling it
digipan.old, for reference, before deleting it. All F1-F12 macros
can still be revised from the defaults if so desired.

Even if you do not operate PSK31 or PSK63, I urge you to just try
DigiPan 2.0 on receive just to experience simultaneous decoding,
because, together with the 100 wpm speed of PSK63, it would
provide a tremendous competitive advantage if incorporated into
your favorite logging or contesting program.

73, Skip KH6TY
On Behalf of "Thom R. Lacosta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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