100 feet for a long-wire is not long compared to the wavelength
at 60[kHz], which is appr. 5000[m] or appr. 16000 feet. So,
the length of the antenna is appr. 1/160th of the wavelength -
an indication, that it will not develop much voltage at this
frequency. Maybe testing a magnetic antenna - like a loop with
some windings and a diameter of 1...2[m] maybe a suggestion?

The second suggestion will be, to measure the receivers sen-
sivity. At this frequency, an reasonable function generator
capable of a low-distortion sine output, followed by a home-
brewn, shielded, multistage resistive attenuator (in the range
of 80...100[dB], depending on the generators capability of
output level variation), should do the job as a substitute
for a calibrated signal generator. Amplitude caibration of the
generator at it's output terminals should not be a problem
with any common and cheap "20[MHz] style" analog oscilloscope
with a accuracy that is sufficient for ham needs.

vy73 de Herbert, DG7MCC

Jim schrieb:

Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I am using a late serial number Drake R8B that the display shows it will tune down
to 10kHz.  Also the serial number is high enough that Drake says the radio will
tune and receive below 100kHz.

The issue is my R8B seems deaf below 100 kHz.  I connect a long wire (100 feet)
to the Hi-Z input and cannot even hear a whisper of WWVB at 60kHz.  I have also
tried a 40 meter dipole on the Lo-Z input and an active whip on the Lo-Z input with
the same results.  I can put the radio in the LSB mode and there is zero hint of
a carrier on 60kHz.

Do other Drake R8B owners have the same experience?

I sent a mail to Drake and they came back saying the radio sensitivity is not spec'ed
below 100kHz.  That info is of little help.  The did say I could send the radio
into them for $25 per hour to have it checked out, but if the radio is poor (by
design) below 100 kHz, why waste the money.

Also, someone told me that they had a similar problem and it was a defective I.C.

So...........are there other Drake R8B owners that have a radio that can "hear"
below 100 kHz (WWVB for example)??

I am located in the San Diego, Ca area.

Thanks again.


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