Greg Putrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I peak for max power on my TR4. Not only can I do it with 2 hands (or even one), but its quite fast too, which helps prolong the life of the finals. Also don't forget you can use max power when using RF Tune as well.

I also tune my Swan transceivers for max output. Works very well. I first peak the PA grid, then tune the plate/load.


On Nov 28, 2004, at 12:03, Al Parker wrote:

"Al Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Yes. And it's probably easier, as you abt need 3 hands to do it like the
manual says..
Al, W8UT

----- Original Message -----
billgoodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist
I just obtained a Drake W4 wattmeter. Is it ok to use it to
tune my TR4 to get max rf output when adjusting the Plate and Load
controls instead of using the depressed Output Meter Control as
stated in the TR4 manual??

Thanks for help

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