"David Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dan,

I understood immediately from your first post what you were
suggesting, as I had also considered manufacturing an almost identical
product. I think there would be a big call for it from the Drake
community, especially at that price. If you could provide a "Drake
style" front panel so much the better (see Wood Box product).

The recent item from Wood Box Radio was a great product, but overkill
for me as one of the great joys of the Drake is using that fantastic
Drake PTO dial for tuning, and the Wood Box unit effectively
completely replaces the Drake PTO, thus missing the point of owning a
Drake (for me at least!)
(See: http://www.cqdx.it/woodbox/DDS4.html  )

In line with others, I think some method of getting 100kHz offset for
those "tricky" TX frequencies (harmonic prone) would be an idea, but
basically keep it as simple as possible. Maybe a prolonged "push and
hold down" could implement 100KHz increments, with, as you say,
display showing the "start" frequency of the PTO dial on the main rig,
with short pushes of the button re-setting to 500KHz increments?

Also, what about a twin output "deluxe" version (two units in one box)
for split frequency operation?

Great idea. Go for it.



---------------------------------------------------------------------- On Behalf of "David Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Submissions: drakelist@www.zerobeat.net Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - unsubscribe drakelist in body Hopelessly Lost: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - help in body of message Zerobeat Web Page: http://www.zerobeat.net Brought to you courtesy of TLCHost.net http://www.tlchost.net/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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