If you've ever tried to align your R7, you've undoubtedly noticed that there is a missing step in section 3-10 of the alignment instruction.  Specifically, 3-10 b) instructs you to "Adjust AGC bias pot (R1127) fully clockwise" but then it never tells you how to reset the pot.  In other words, if you follow the instructions, R1127 is left fully clockwise.

After some experimentation, I think I've resolved the error.  I'd like your input to my corrections to section 3-10, reproducted below.  Corrections are in italics.  If you copy of this does not show the italics, the corrections I've added are steps i. and ii, to step b., the parenthetical text in steps c., d. and e. and all of step h.


a) Connect an audio voltmeter across R7 speaker terminals.

b) Adjust AGC bias pot (R1127) fully clockwise.
       i) Adjust IF gain pot (R1138) fully counterclockwise.
       ii) With no signal applied to the R7 antenna terminal, adjust AGC bias pot (R1227) counterclockwise until background noise audio output just begins to fall as indicated on the audio voltmeter.

c) Apply a 0.5 uV signal at 14.3 mHz to the Main/Alt antenna input.  Place radio in the 2.3 kHz, SSB/CW mode.  Tune PTO for maximum audio output.  Peak L701 (cover removed).  Turn IF gain pot (R1138) clockwise until audio output no longer increases with additional increase in pot setting.  Then turn pot counterclockwise until audio output decreases 3 dB.  (Note:  my guess is that the preceding sentence was to have read, "Then turn AGC bias pot counterclockwise until audio output decreases 3 dB."  However, the same thing is accomplished with steps i) and ii) added above).

d) Increase signal generator input to 1 uV and adjust S-meter zero pot (R1119) for a reading of S1-1/2 on S-meter (alternatively, adjust R1119 so that the S-meter just begins to move off of the S1 minimum reading mark with no output from the signal generator.  Then increase signal generator output until the S-meter just begins to move again.  Adjust R1119 so that the S-meter reads just slightly above S1).

e) Increase signal generator input to 50,000 uV and adjust 60 dB over S9 meter set pot (R1106) for 60 dB over S9 on meter (alternatively, adjust R1106 for an S9 reading with a 50 uV signal.  However, this may not result in a 60 dB over S9 reading with a 50,000 uV signal applied).

f) Repeat steps d & e until no further change is noted.

g) Install rear card cage cover.  Repeak L701 with signal generator level of approximately 1 uV.

h) If audio appears distorted after making the above adjustments, adjust IF gain pot (R1138) (accessible with the rear card cage cover in place) clockwise until distortion disappears. (Note:  the final adjustment of R1138 may have to be done after using the receiver for a few days).

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