"Jim Shorney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 24 Dec 2005 10:22:43 -0800, W7RY wrote:

>To measure ripple you simply measure across the filter capacitor with a
>DVM set to the AC position. 

I was going to mention that. Really. Most modern DVMs will do that, as
long as you take care not to exceed the maximum input ratings of the
DVM. A tru RMS DVM is best, because the ripple is not a pure sine wave,
but average reading DVMs will give you an idea.

>When you do measure, measure directly across the filter capacitor, you
>can pick up some inaccurate measurements if you just "clip to the
>chassis" far away from the cap. 

Agreed. Aways best to check the teeth directly at the horse's mouth....



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