Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Patrick -

First thing to check is the Bias supply in the AC-4. Red Final plates indicate loss of grid bias, regardless of any other setting.

Less likely possibilities are a heater-cathode short in V13, leaky/shorted C61 or shorted feedthrough capacitor, all a LOT less likely than Bias supply problems. If the filter capacitors in the AC-4 are original, the easiest "fix" is to replace them ALL with the AC-4R repair kit from Mike Bryce at


73, Garey - K4OAH

Drake B & C-Line Service CDs

pmertens wrote:

pmertens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Hello everybody,

I am the proud owner of a Drake TR-4 in excellent condition and that I was using once a week
for a vintage Rig QSO here in Europe.

Last week, after the qso, my Drake TR_4 suddenly showed a strange failure: when I stop to transmit, the relay is switching, but the rig stays in transmission. No power is coming out and of course the finals tube are becoming immediately red ! So, it seems that the antenna is switched in reception mode, but the finals are still in transmit mode with no power output on the antenna. This is happeningh in all modes except AM. This is not a VOX or anti-VOX problem as I was deconnecting the microphone but the problem still persist.
SO, to be short:
- when I switch on the rig, reception is OK
- when I go into transmission mode, this is also OK
- when I stop transmitting, the power output stops but the rig stay internally in transmitting mode, although the antenna is disconnected. I have no longer reception .

Hope this clearly describe my problem. Is there somebody on the list able to help me indentify this problem ? Or already having this problem ? Before doing anything inside my immaculate rig, I would like to have an autorized advise.

My website where you can see my Drake TR-4:

Thanks for help,

PAtrick - ON4NY

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