?have the twins been around smoke?
dale wt4t

-----Original Message-----
From: w4pro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Sent: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 10:08 am
Subject: [drakelist] RE: T4X-B, R4-B, L4B For SAle

I recently bought out an inactive ham who had an all Drake station, R4-B, 
T4X-B, and an L4B.? I don't want the gear, but wanted to pass the tower and 
beam along to a young ham just getting into HF.? The local DX club helped me 
take the?tower down.


I have checked the gear out and had it on the air on CW and SSB.? It all works 
well and?looks pretty good, with some scratches and signs of wear on 
the?transmitter and receiver cabinets.


The linear has 4-400's in place of the original 3-500's?.? The screen grids 
have been jumpered to ground at the tube sockets.? It operates normally except 
for the increase in grid current.? The L4-B is very clean.? Both of the power 
supplies?look good and work well, no dents or other damage.


I'd like to not have to ship this gear and can work out a delivery within a 
reasonable distance.of Smithfield, Virginia.


I am asking $500 for the linear and $400 for the twins.? The power supplies are 


Jim Wise, W4PRO





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