Dirty switch contacts for the 40 m position?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Shorney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: drakelist@zerobeat.net <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 10:58 pm
Subject: [drakelist] Taming the shrew

"Jim Shorney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Well, another problem cropped up today. Earlier this evening I was helping a 
local ham air check a new 
antenna on HF. Ironically, he seemed to be suffering from RF feedback on 75 
meters, so we went to 40. As 
soon as I keyed the mic and started talking, the TR7 took off with close to 100 
watts of SOMETHING that 
looked like a carrier. Subsequent tests on 20 and 10 revealed that his antenna 
and my radio were both 
working fine on those bands ( he said my audio was EXCELLENT).

Good thing the radio was still sitting in the lab, or I would have really been 
annoyed. Testing into the dummy 
load revealed that under full power operating conditions, the TR7 was 
oscillating at about 9.6 MHz, in ONLY 
the 7.0-10.0 MHz bandswitch position. All other bands were rock solid, anywhere 
I checked. I looked at all 
the obvious things, HP filter, LP filter, grounding, PIN diodes, etc.; 
everything seemed to be in order. (BTW, 
an MFJ-259 antenna analyzer will drive the TR7 to 200+ watts output when 
injected through the HP filter 
board). The good news is that the new PA transistors survived this abuse with 
flying colors, and the 
heatsink was never more than warm to the touch. 

I finally backed the predriver gain pot down a little, and that seemed to kill 
the oscillation. I didn't go back 
and reset power levels, because it was getting late and I wanted to knock off 
and ponder this a little bit 

Any thoughts from the gurus on how to tame this beast? Even with power reduced, 
it makes me a little 
nervous that the transmitter stip could be that close to the edge on 40 meters.



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