Hi Gents,

I recently acquired my first TR-7 (thank you Evan K9SQG for sharing and thank you Gary W8PU for some technical guidance in finding a shorted pin diode). When I transmit on phone, I'm getting some garbled audio fed back into both the headphones and the external speaker connected via the rear panel. It's very distracting and makes it difficult to talk normally. Audio reports from distant stations say my transmitted audio (Shure 444D) is fine. I'm using a Steppir 2L, so I don't have a bunch of RF running around the shack and the mic gain is set to just kick the ALC in on peaks. The garbled audio is also present transmitting into a dummy load. I'm using an Astron 35A power supply.

Using the same exact set-up (coax cable, speaker, speaker connection cable, power supply, etc.) with my Tentec Orion, it's perfectly clean.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


Dave / K8JDC

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