On Sun, 8 Feb 2009 08:24:51 +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

>I can't say anything about the fan in question, but I've rebuilt many computer
>fans with varying success.

Cheap sleeve bearing computer fans are evil. :) I've taken many apart
and lubed them. Sometimes they last, sometimes not. I've also found
that, in some cases, thier idea of a "ball bearing" fans is a ball
bearing at one end of the shaft and a sleeve bearing at the other end.
Not really an improvement.

>You might also ask to see if someone, possibly a different ham, would 
>be willing to relubricate the bearings for you on the old one.  While they
>are at it, it would be good to vacuum out the dust and dirt if any has
>accumulated in the amp and clean the fan blades.

I recently had mine out for cleaning. Removal is not difficult, remove
four long bolts and the fan cover, unplug the fan. It does require
removal of the top cover of the amp to get to the nuts. I was thinking
like you, but I found no easy way to disassemble the fan. Lifting the
label revealed no secret screws, clips, bearing dust covers, etc., that
one might typically find in a "computer fan". Maybe Evan or someone
else has had one apart and can tell us how to do it. I would like to
lube mine, as it is starting to sound a little rough.

The fan is a Torin TA450S, Model A 30390-10, 115VAC .12 Amps. I
couldn't turn up any specs on it on the internet. Hopefully someone



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