Hi to the group,
On an MN4c antenna tuner.
Well I have now had my first ever diode (a 1N295) that was a partial open  ?? 
 and another shorted ?
under load  BTW all of the components checked good even with the board  out 
of circuit and the 68 ohm lifted
MN4C that maxed out on the pot would only show 47 Watts and rallign on the  
null would only let it go to 60 W. when in fact three other meters (including a 
 Bird) said my TR5 was a flat 90 W.
A big thank you to Chuck W3CVD who supplied a replacement pair and that did  
do the trick.
In any case 1N295's are available through Surplus Sales of Nebraska @ $2  
each plus shipping. _www.surplussales.com_ (http://www.surplussales.com) 
A second source is apparently   _www.4starelectronics.com_ 
Thank you to the list responders. 
73's to all.   Carl Hibbard  WD8NHK
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