I am new to the Drakelist forum and not sure of the proper way to post. 
If I do something wrong please let me know and I will make ever effort to 
correct it.

I was given a set of Drake TR-4B/T-4XB and AC-4 P/S from my uncle's estate, 
WA4HCX who became a SK in June of 2008.
The receiver works great, but the transmitter will not load.  In the tune mode 
with the T-4XB ON the meter reads about .15
 However I have No output at all.  I can barely heard what sounds like a relay 
click with the meter movement as I switch the power on.
 With Fluke VOM the  Plate voltages are 738 VDC, Low Voltage is 280 VDC and 
bias is  -60 VDC. AC volts less than one on all DC voltages checks. 
With receiver ON I can hear a faint beat frequency or tone from transmitter But 
this tone doesn't change with band select or frequency change on receiver or 
transmitter. I have no defection at all on a inline RF meter to dummy load.  RF 
Tune, Load and Plate Tune have no effects.
 I have check about all the resistors in the Mixer, Driver and Final tube 
circuits. Everything seems to be OK. I'm not sure at this point what to do. 
 I appreciate any suggestions or advice that anyone may offer.

Thank You,
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