Re: the stuff won't even clean my tea cup, let alone a radio chassis.
73 Bud W0HG

Bud wins! Good one! Still laughing!

You-all have read my "sea story" about the old Gunny and his garden hose and
that Collins gear. While it is a true story, I still have some concerns. 
You won't see me posting a you tube video of me and my garden hose and my
prized Sherwood R-4C out in the backyard this spring giving a bath.
#1 the VFO grease that is used in our beloved radios. The hot rinse cycle
would not do your vfo's any favors.
#2 the high humidity (100%) would put power transformers at risk.
I am still a chicken, about as far as I would go is to use my electric
toothbrush with a suitable cleaning compound and a little water on the brush
to scrub up the upper deck of a radio. The underside of a the drake rigs is
too busy with point to point wiring for scrubbing with a tooth brush. 
Time to be real and get honest with ourselves. If you want pristine
collector grade appearance hire a professional and ante up.
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

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