On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 18:09:10 -0700 (PDT), Bob Loving wrote:

>Ron, I had a problem with one of my TR-7 rigs with the 40-MHz oscillator. To 
>recenter the frequency to something reasonable, I changed C1006 to 39-pF (was 
>50-pF). Admittedly, this probably changes the feedback ratio but it did allow 
>adjusting L1001 to frequency within its tuning range. This was on a radio S/N 
>6129 and was done 2009/10/27. The radio is still operating properly as far as 
>I can determine (no realignment since but no measurement of the oscillator 
>frequency either).

Per the Drake service notes at
http://www.zerobeat.net/drakelist/tr7bookalign.html , it's suggested that the
+10v adjutment be tweaked +/- .2 volts to avoid changint the crystal or



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