On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Lee Hiers <lee.hi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I picked up an R-4 (no-suffix) about a year ago and listened on it for
> a while with just a random wire inside the house.  Really like the
> radio.  Back in the spring, it developed a hum, and sounded like the
> radio was zero-beat with a carrier wherever I tuned.  I figured filter
> caps were bad, and probably something in the AGC circuit.

Hi folks...

Just to, uh, recap...

I replaced the can cap along with the two electrolytics included with
the Hayseed kit.  That completely took care of the hum, naturally,
and, happily, the apparent AGC problem.  I picked up a 12BZ6 along
with a couple 12BA6s, but no need to change 'em.  I now have spares.

I'll have to wait to check the rig out on the higher frequencies, but
it's doing great on 40/80/160 now and that's where it's going to spend
most of its time anyway!

Next step:  get the Heathkit DX-40 up and running!

Thanks to all for the help.

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

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