Hi Guys,

I have been ignoring an issue with my T-4XC until recently. When I use the R-4C PTO to control the receiver it seems to work fine. When I use the T-4XC PTO to control the receiver I get sort of a chirpy, jumping around of the cw signal I am trying to copy. Both units work fine in transceive using the R-4C PTO, which is the way I have been using them. But with the recent DX expeditions (T32C, TX7M) running split, I have been having to use the C-line as separates to work them. I have had some success working them, but heaven knows what my signal sounds like.

I have been putting off fixing this problem as I felt it was probably the PTO and I haven't been in the mood for performing major surgery lately. I decided to get off my arse and do something about it yesterday. So, I got out the scope and took a look at the T-4XC PTO output while it was controlling the R-4C. It seems stable. So I looked at the Plate of V-8 with the scope, I have a composite signal (PTO, Xtal Osc.) it looks solid as a rock. So then I looked at the injection signal right at the jack on the back of the T-4XC and once again, I can hear a cw signal I tuned in on the R-4C jumping all over the place, while I'm looking at a rock solid injection sig leaving the T-4XC. I switch back to the R-4C PTO and the jumping around stops, the receiver copies the same cw sig with stability.

What am I missing here? It is hard to fix something when it seems like the only evidence of a problem is coming out of the speaker. If I could find some evidence of the problem I could follow it to it's source. This could be operator error (probably is) I only put about an hour in to this last night as I got called to dinner and a man has to have priorities.

I am going to dig in to it this morning, I will eventually find the problem, but maybe you guys can save me some time.

Oh........another clue: When I use the spot function, in CW mode, I get a warbling sound in the R-4C instead of a solid cw tone when tuning in the T-4XC sig with the receiver. It seems sort of intermittant (it switches to a cw tone sometimes and then goes back to warbling like you get in SSB mode with the spot function.)

Thanks in advance, I hope this long winded post made sense.

Bob  K6GGO

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