----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Cunningham" <d...@martineer.net> To: "John Hudson" <john.hud...@calema.ca.gov>; <w8...@aol.com>; <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] FS: R-4B and a T-4XB

"Normal" AM carrier can only be had with a true, plate modulated rig. The Drakes don't have enough iron or a heavy enough modulator to do much more than controlled carrier. I've seen "mods", but......... I sure wouldn't do it to my Drakes.
There is another reason for using controlled carrier; the resultant signal can be amplified by a linear amplifier designed for SSB wtihout exceeding its limits. This is true for both the linear in the rig and any external linear that may be used.

I disagree only that "true" AM can be had with other than plate modulated transmitters; there have been many low-level modulated AM transmitters using linear amplifiers. However, a linear will have quite low average efficiency when used for AM. The estimate for old broadcast transmitters using linear amplifiers was an "all day" efficiency of around 33%. A reasonable plate modulated transmitter has at least twice this. Modern AM transmitters can exceed the old "limit" for efficiency by various methods, mostly by running the RF stage as nearly a pulse amplifier.

Controlled carrier AM works fine for communication use but can be difficult to listen to on a receiver with a fast release AVC. Also, measuring modulation percentage is not as straight forward as for a conventional transmitter.

If one wants real AM its better to get or build a dedicated transmitter but Drake makes it possible to communicate with those who may not have SSB receivers (who would that be?).

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles

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