I don't know about y'all but I have worked around broadcast transmitters  
for a good part of my life. Blower noise is not that big a deal to me. Not  
hearing that blower noise is something to worry about big time!  My  computer 
has 5 blowers in it and it is just a plain Jane box, not a gaming rig.  
Sounds like an idling jet, but I noticed a difference one morning and opened  
the box to find that my OEM processor fan had frozen. That saved me over a  
hundred bucks for a new one. I know when a fan quits. Same thing for my ham  
gear. I want to know that those blowers are running without having to resort 
to  temperature or air flow alarms, etc. Coping with a bit of noise is a 
cheap price  to pay versus the cost of a new final. 
Don't be cheap when buying blowers.  Get one that has ball bearings.  It 
will last a lot longer. There is usually a label on the fan that states of it  
has ball bearings. If the label does not so state, it is a sleeve bearing 
model  and they don't live long.
I have a ball bearing muffin blower that has been running for nearly  20 
years in a make shift arrangement to pump radon gas out of my sealed sump. It  
runs in an area of high humidity and is still going strong. If it died 
tonight,  It wouldn't owe me a thing.
John,  W4AWM
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