Can you test into a dummy load, and if so what are your results? Preferably 
with all existing switches, coax, etc out of the path between rig and dummy 
load.  Just trying to isolate between coax, switch, antenna system issues and 
rig issue first.  

On the surface it sounds like a rig issue, and maybe one final tube is not 
getting drive, or is offline somehow.  But let's make sure it is the rig that 
has the issue first.


--- On Sun, 2/5/12, Peter Ravn <> wrote:

From: Peter Ravn <>
Subject: [Drakelist] T4XB tune and load problem
Date: Sunday, February 5, 2012, 7:03 AM


Although I strictly follow the tuning procedure 
described in section  B on p. 14 in the instruction manual, my T4XB 
has suddenly changed behavoiur. The output power on all bands has gone down 
on average of 100 watts to 45 watts. The AC-4 bias reads .07 on the plate meter 
when the gain is fully CCW, and the mode switch is on TUNE. With the GAIN at 
app. 9 o'clock, the reading is 0.15 A, and with the PLATE control the plate 
current is dipped - more distinctly on some bands than others. Increasing the 
GAIN to maximum the reading is 0.2 A. Alternately adjusting the PLATE and LOAD 
controls for maximum RF output, the result is 45 Watts. As before SWR is low, 
apparently the T4XB is able to tune the antenna. But the LOADING control on 80 
meters has to be turned fully CCW to achieve the best result, whereas it 
before was between 3 and 4, which might indicate that the tuner doesn't work as 
it should. Add to that the finals get hotter than before. So there must be 
a mismatch. The question is where?
73 de Peter
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