Dino et. al.

Well, let me briefly relate what I have observed and encountered when 
rebuilding L4, L4B, and L7 power supplies.  Your mileage might vary.

My experience has been that the supplies I have worked on have had in excess of 
a 50% failure rate, and maybe another 25% had whitish or light gray regions, 
typically toward one end, where there has been excessive heating suggesting and 
impending failure.  Having a stock of the resistors on hand, and having the 
supply apart, it was a quick job to replace the bleederrs for safety and better 
regulation.  Many people have failed bleeders and are totally unaware of it.

There is generally better quality control with diodes nowadays compared to 
decades ago.  Still, for as cheap as resistors are, it is a small price to pay 
for an added measure of protection, can't hurt.  There are two schools of 
thoughts on this topic so one goes with the one that is most appealing.

Final note on that 5K 7wt resistor on the underside of the supply, I too 
replace it during a standard rebuild and use two 10K 10wt resistors in 
parallel.  Unknown to many, when the original opens, it takes out the ALC pot 
which, for the L4B I haven't seen in 30 except the ones I have in stock.

Enjoy those Drakes, the Drake Nets, and our hobby.


Evan, K9SQG

-----Original Message-----
From: Dino Papas <k...@cox.net>
To: Mail List - Drake Gear Drake Gear <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Sat, Feb 18, 2012 2:24 pm
Subject: [Drakelist] L-4B/L7 Power Supply Rebuilds

I finally bit the bullet yesterday and got around to rebuilding my L-4BPS and 
L7PS supplies, one with a Heathkit Shop board and the other with the Harbach 
version.  Both procedures went well, with the second going a LOT faster than 
first!  I will be rebuilding a friend's L-4BPS next week and figured I could 
minimize the time to do his by working out the bugs doing mine.

As my L-4B is my main amp, and based on Evan's note to me a few years ago, I 
went ahead and changed out the 5K 7W resistor with the 13W version, replaced 
0.82 ohm HV line resistor and the 50K 50W bleeders as a precautionary measure.  
In the other amp I guess I was just lazy and simply installed only the Harbach 

Now sitting here thinking about it should I go back and just get it over with 
and replace the resistors in the L7PS?  Has anyone ever had a bleeder go bad?  
Or the others for that matter.  Sure, age will wear anything down.

Also, the Harbach board doesn't include the diode balancing resistors that 
Mike's board does...as the original Drake diode strings used 'em what exactly 
the difference?  Do modern (read that "better") diodes still need that 
protection?  I'm just curious.

I was pretty impressed that my 32 year old L-4BPS kept going like the Energizer 
Bunny all these years and I didn't notice any deterioration at all on the 
of the orange electrolytics....but, better safe than sorry and I'm looking 
forward to many more years of reliable operation with both amps.


Dino KL0S
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