Wow, thank you so much to all for the most useful information.  Yes the AC4 is 
wired for 240 v.  
Hoped to string up some sort of temporary antenna this weekend and get on the 
air but I now know I will be busy doing something else!  Just hope I have the 
technical abilty to sort it out.  Years ago I built a Heathkit scope but that 
is about my only experience with components, soldering etc.
I do not suppose any Drake enthusiast will have any doubt as to why a TR4 but 
in case anybody has, in the late 60's and early 70's when I was active I had 
three receivers in a row, the last being a R4A.  I thought it was magnificent 
and way ahead of any receiver I had tried at the time.  Wish I still had it 
today.  It is only natural that I want to return to Drake.
Thanks again everyone.
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