Thanks Steve and Chris for your helpful advice regarding a possible bad 
crystal.  I think you are right but somehow, despite being most careful, I seem 
to have made matters worse!  Are 45 year old crystals particularly delicate?  
Should I renew them all?
Tried the 15m crystal in the 10m and 40m sockets.  Nothing doing.  Tried the 
10m and 40m crystals in the 15m socket.  Nothing doing either!!  Two problems 
by the look of it as far as 15m is concerned.
The real shock came when I put the 10m and 40m crystals back in their correct 
places.  40m is fine but 10m is now dead.  Of course I have taken it out and 
re-inserted it but to no avail.  Maybe I wrecked it!
Chris had trouble with a dirty crystal socket.  Obviously I can clean the 
crystal pins, though they appear clean enough, but how on earth do I clean a 
crystal socket?
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