Hi Michael,
Have you adjusted the VOX delay time and VOX Sensitivity? As far as SSB goes
maybe you have to turn up the MIC gain? Just a couple of thoughts. Good
73 Bert, VE3NR

From: drakelist-boun...@zerobeat.net [mailto:drakelist-boun...@zerobeat.net]
On Behalf Of Michael A. Kelly
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:27 PM
To: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Subject: [Drakelist] Vox not holding on TR4CwRIT running CW.

Hello everyone - 

I have a TR4CwRIT that will not hold once it switches from receive to
transmit, running CW. It sounds like I am running QSK full break when
sending ... after turning up the sidetone to make sure it was loud enough

I have substituted (one at a time) the:

1.  V-2 The sidetone oscillator 12AV6

2,  Then the 9Mhz Xtal Oscillator V-16 (6GX6) 

3. Then the VoxAmp/Relay V-19 (6FQ7) also tried using the earlier used 6EV7

4. Finally the V-17 Anti-Vox 6AQ5A

Each time nothing changed, I put the original back, trying to eliminate
extra variables .... and while some guys may want to try and get a TR4CwRIT
to run QSK ... with the relay cycling so rapidly (between dits) I don't care
for it at all, not to mention the workout for the relay.

Anyone have a suggestion?  

PS One other clue is when I try to operate using the microphone, I am
getting a normal vox relay change over that does not fall out and cycle back
to receive, but I get no drive when whistling in the microphone ... so it
keys up to transmit mode seemingly perfectly normal, but regardless of my
drive setting I get no deflection on the meter to indicate output.  BUT I do
get normal output when using a key in CW mode ... just does it in QSK

Thanks everyone ... I am stumped.

Michael NZ4D
Drakelist mailing list

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