Can he use a different wattmeter/and dummyload link?

At that kind of DC loading, something has to be getting REAL hot if it aint going into the dummy load.

Is the plate voltage staying up with key down?

Also, you might try testing with each tube individually to see if a tube got shorted in transit.



On 1/4/2013 12:01 PM, Richard Emrich wrote:
I sold my L7 to another ham and he has sent me the following.
*I see very low RF output. *
*Here are some numbers:*
*plate volts 1900*
*idle plate current 180ma*
*30 watts input RF*
*60 watts output to 50 ohm resistive load (dummy load)*
*plate current 440ma*
*grid current 120ma*
*I see little or no dip in plate current with plate control - all bands same effect.* *I checked the tube hardware, cleaned the output relay etc., there is no arcing, popping or gassy look on the tubes.* *The tube plates do show color on key down...I did let them warm up for several hours.*
*I have gotten more output by increasing the drive but not over 160 watts out...don't want to hurt anything by pushing it.*
Any help would be appreciated
Have a good new year

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