On 8/26/08, Edi Weitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:24:28 +0400, "Stas Boukarev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Still the same... I also noticed that it's fast if it encounters 404
>  > error.
>  So, now I can't reproduce it anymore.  See below - one is chunked, the
>  other not.  One is UTF-8, the other one LATIN-1.
>  Would you have a more specific test case, preferably with a public
>  URL?

It seems that it's only slow with hunchentoot, but with lighttpd and
other servers (and with your testcases) it's now ok.

http://stassats.dyndns.org/ where hunchentoot is running

With Best Regards, Stas.
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