I think it is "impossible" for this to have anything to do with block
device drivers such as DRBD, as on the block level, we neither know nore
care for the _content_, which is submitted.

This will be a generic problem with that kernel and nfs,
or that kernel and nfs on certain file systems.

I ruled this out by creating an nfs 4 share on a non-drbd file system on the machine that was currently the drbd master. I shared that file system in the same way I have the drbd ones via nfs, then launched open office, created an odt file. When saving to the nfs share on a non-drbd device, it saved correctly (correct date and time). When saving to the nfs share on the drbd device, saving failed, an empty file was created there with the bad time stamp and no permissions, ---------.

I do not know much about the internals of how drbd works, but based on my observation that it does not work on the drbd partition with the new kernel, isn't it possible that some patch applied to the new Redhat kernel in 5.4 breaks drbd when it is compiled against the new kernel sources?


Nothing to do with DRBD.
But keep us posted, nevertheless.

Diego Julian Remolina
System Administrator - Systems Support Specialist IV
School of Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Phone: (404) 385-3499
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