On Mar 23, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Lars Ellenberg wrote:

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 09:39:00AM -0500, Alex Dean wrote:
I'm using drbd 3.3.7 + heartbeat 3.  I've configured dopd using
http://www.drbd.org/users-guide/s-heartbeat-dopd.html.  It works as
expected.  If I pull the ethernet cable used for drbd replication, I
see dopd activity in heartbeat's logs, and the secondary's dstate
changes to 'Outdated'.

Is it somehow possible to force drbd to become primary with this
outdated data?  I'm thinking if there is an unnoticed (failure of
monitoring, perhaps?) failure of the replication link, and then
there is some catastrophic failure on the primary which renders its
data unusable, it might be preferable to go forward with promoting
the outdated secondary to primary status.  I understand this means
lost data.

I've been reading through the man pages for drbdadm and drbdsetup,
as well as the DRBD Users Guide, and haven't found anything
describing how to do this.  Can it be done?

Prior to 8.3.8, you'd have to fiddle with drbdmeta set-gi.
Starting with drbd 8.3.8 (which has not been released yet,
so read "current git", if you like) a simple --force primary
will do.

Thanks for the reply.

I've configured dual NICs for DRBD replication in active/passive bonding, so I think the hypothetical situation I described is unlikely. But I've seen other 'unlikely' things occur. Just trying to think through what the failure scenarios are, and how we'd recover from them.


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