I'm a new to DRBD and have some difficulties with understanding of drbd settings. I've been reading manuals hard but still have lots of questions.

1) Configuring I/O error handling strategies
I see detach method is highly recommended but pass_on is still default method. Why? What differences between these methods? Why we have unrecommended method as default instead of the first one? I have DEBD+GFS2+NFS Primary/Primary solution. What should I use in my case? Why? 2) I see configuring checksum-based synchronization and replication traffic integrity checking are not enabled for resources by default and I don't have them also. I don't like it and I wont to turn them on, but I have thought "m.b. they haven't been enabled knowingly". So my question is why them haven't been enabled and what I will have if I turn it on? Lost my performance? Stability?

Thank you in advice,
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