On 02/16/2011 04:49 PM, Lars Ellenberg wrote:
> conn == Connected with pdsk == DUnknown is an invalid state.
> So yes, that looks like a bug.
> Grep for state changes in your kernel logs, and find the place where it
> changes to Connected while not changing pdsk to something != DUnknown.

the relevant logs should be attached. checking node01:

> Feb 16 06:25:03 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.120354] block drbd1: conn( WFBitMapS 
> -> SyncSource ) pdsk( Consistent -> Inconsistent ) 
> Feb 16 06:25:03 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.120362] block drbd1: Began resync as 
> SyncSource (will sync 4 KB [1 bits set]).
> Feb 16 06:25:03 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.120797] block drbd1: updated sync 
> UUID 3C1DADF6B38C1AD7:E7E50184F3F3AC0B:E7E40184F3F3AC0B:3CFC3B16AAE1131D
> Feb 16 06:25:03 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.131787] block drbd1: Retrying 
> drbd_rs_del_all() later. refcnt=1
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.232237] block drbd1: Resync done 
> (total 1 sec; paused 0 sec; 4 K/sec)
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.232314] block drbd1: updated UUIDs 
> 3C1DADF6B38C1AD7:0000000000000000:E7E50184F3F3AC0B:E7E40184F3F3AC0B
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.232434] block drbd1: conn( SyncSource 
> -> Connected ) pdsk( Inconsistent -> UpToDate ) 
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.274089] block drbd1: bitmap WRITE of 
> 762 pages took 10 jiffies
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.274154] block drbd1: 0 KB (0 bits) 
> marked out-of-sync by on disk bit-map.
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.947353] block drbd1: helper command: 
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer minor-1 exit code 1 (0x100)
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.947487] block drbd1: fence-peer 
> helper broken, returned 1
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.947555] block drbd1: pdsk( UpToDate 
> -> DUnknown ) 
> Feb 16 06:25:04 c02n01 kernel: [3687390.947633] block drbd1: new current UUID 
> 89084B22FE454C03:3C1DADF6B38C1AD7:E7E50184F3F3AC0B:E7E40184F3F3AC0B

i hope this is what you require.

thanks for your fast reply,
DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bha...@ipax.at
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