
After reading back through the threads here, I've committed to going down
the same path as Bernd and several others have, as Bernd diagrammed:

> [ Node 1 ]     [ Node 2 ]
>      |             |
> [HW RAID5]     [HW RAID5]
>      |             |
> [Partition]    [Partition]
>      |             |
> [ PV1    ]     [ PV1    ]
>      |             |
> [ VG1    ]     [ VG1    ]
>      |             |
> [ LV1    ]     [ LV1    ]
>      |             |
> [ DRBD1  ]-----[ DRBD1  ]
>      |             |
> [ VM1A   ]     [ VM1B   ]   
> VM1A and VM1B are identical VM's, offering the same service !

Where I'm getting good mental exercise on this is pulling all the parts
together. I'm comfortable with KVM on a single host. I'm comfortable with
DRBD and old-style heartbeat in a non-VM context. But getting the full view
of what once it's set up should be simple enough - the sort of HA setup
Bernd went after, and that I gather at least a few others already have
happily running - gets into steep learning curve territory. 

This may largely be because the documentation is so scattered: mailing list
posts here, the sketchy qemu and kvm manuals, man pages and wikis, a few
blog posts here and there, a book largely in German ... and of course the
excellent DRBD manual, but this specific sort of KVM setup is properly
beyond its scope.

Unless my Google skills have failed me, there's no single document that
pulls the components together for a clear example of a finished solution
that includes details of each component's implementation. So I'm hoping this
comment can prompt a few more sketches from the knowledgeable about how to
pull the scattered clues together into a happily humming system.

Hopefully someone's drafting a good book on this sort of solution. It'll
obviously be a sweet way to go.

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