Yes. In fact I had a bit of bother to get multipath not to grab my DRBD
resources. The multipath.conf blacklist regexps didn't seem to work the way
I expected. I resorted to putting the scsi-id names in blacklisted.wwids. Of
course, that may mean that the drbd resource was blacklisted, but multipath
-ll -v3 has zero occurrences of "drbd" in it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kushnir, Michael (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 1:23 PM
To: Dan Barker; 'drbd List'
Subject: RE: [DRBD-user] multipathd ignores my drbd0

Did you check multipath blacklists?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Barker []
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:40 PM
To: 'drbd List'
Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] multipathd ignores my drbd0

I've tried everything I can think of to get mapper to pick up the drbd0
device, and all failed. I put in a symlink (ln -s /dev/drbd0
/dev/mapper/DRBD0) but Oracle VM doesn't see it. I'm guessing it's requiring
multipath to access the resource.

I'll try some Logical Volumes and see if I can make Oracle VM see those. I
know I can build a PV/VG/LV from a drbd resource.

Running an iSCSI target and initiator on localhost on this machine is
getting a bit too weird, even for Oracle<g>.

Thanks for the tips!


-----Original Message-----
From: Kaloyan Kovachev []
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 9:53 AM
To: Dan Barker
Cc: drbd List
Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] multipathd ignores my drbd0

I think you can't use DRBD device directly with multipath, but if you export
it via iSCSI and then import it back it is possible.

Another option is LVM over DRBD -> device in /dev/mapper Another one is just
a symlink in /dev/mapper from udev rule

On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 09:41:13 -0400, "Dan Barker" <>
> How do I get multipathd to notice my drbd block devices?
> RHEL5 (Oracle VM, actually),
> Drbd 8.4.1:
> multipath-tools says v0.4.9. I can't seem to find the multipath version.
> resource r0 {
>     on OVMPam {
>         volume 0 {
>             device       /dev/drbd0 minor 0;
>             disk         /dev/sdb;
>             meta-disk    internal;
>         }
>         address          ipv4;
>     }
>     on DRPam {
>         volume 0 {
>             device       /dev/drbd0 minor 0;
>             disk         /dev/sdb;
>             meta-disk    internal;
>         }
>         address          ipv4;
>     }
>     startup {
>         become-primary-on OVMPam;
>     }
> }
> As-distributed global.
> All multipath commands reply "Apr 09 08:10:50 | DM multipath kernel
> not loaded", as if no devices were detected at boot time.
> I have drbd start before multipathd.
> Relax, I have no plans to multipath to this device, Oracle VM looks 
> only
> /dev/mapper for repository candidates.
> New 10 April: Ping! Anyone have any ideas? Even a different forum in
> to ask?
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