Off OP's topic, but a correction.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Pascal BERTON
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 1:29 PM
To: 'Jake Smith';
Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] Corosync Configuration

I also used this manual to startup, I agree with Jake, that's a typo. Apart 
from that, William, your "bindnetaddr" parameter should not end with a "0", 
it's supposed to be the IP address your local host/node will use to monitor its 
peers. Instead, replace it by the IP address your server has on network


Although it is extremely likely that 'should not end with a "0"' is a correct 
statement on this network (it does begin with a 192 and we assumed it is a 
default 24 bit subnet), it is not a requirement. The OP didn't post his subnet 

Any network with a subnet mask of 23 bits or less can have a final octet of 
Zero be a host. In a class A subnet, there is one network (ends with a .0.0.0), 
255 hosts that end with two zeros (.0.0) and 65,280 hosts that end with a 
single zero .0).

I normally wouldn't make this minor a correction, but Pascal then said "The 
cool thing (to me) is that I learn something more everyday on this ML..."


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