On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 02:43:51PM -0500, Carmen Devito wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently working on setting up a new DRBD resource inside one of
> our enivironments, but whenever I try and sync the secondary to the
> primary I get this:


Did you follow any guide?
If so, which one?

Something in the kernel logs?

> version: 8.3.13 (api:88/proto:86-96)
> GIT-hash: 83ca112086600faacab2f157bc5a9324f7bd7f77 build by dag@Build64R6, 
> 2012-09-04 12:06:10
> 0: cs:SyncSource ro:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/Inconsistent B r-----
> ns:2087156 nr:0 dw:15297896 dr:16399 al:5116 bm:1 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 
> wo:b oos:209714176
> [>....................] sync'ed: 0.1% (204796/204796)M
> finish: 624919:07:03 speed: 0 (0) K/sec
> I've tried to drbdadm disconnect r0 from the secondary, as well as
> force the primary to overwrite its data to the secondary, but no luck.
> Any ideas.
> Carmen De Vito
> Tata Consultancy Services
> Mailto: carmen.dev...@tcs.com
> Website: http://www.tcs.com
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: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
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