On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:26:07AM +0100, Simone Del Pinto wrote:
> Hi guys,
> we are using drbd 8.3.13 on our 2 linux server to keep data of the oer MySQL 
> server.
> corosync and pacemaker ensure that we have a virtuel IP running and that our 
> DB is always up on one of those nodes.
> During a failover test we noted that when we put the Master node in standy 
> ( crm node standby )

"crm node standby" means: stop all services on that node.
stop means stop.
stop of DRBD means taking it down.

there is no "native" way to
tell pacemaker to "go standby but leave DRBD configured as Secondary".

There are a few ways to achieve similar functionality, though.
You could do implement that using constraints,
possibly referencing node attributes.

Or you re-configure drbd by hand
once you switched to standby in pacemaker,
just as you apparently did already.

> all services switch to other node but DRBD goes in "Unconfigured state".
> Below the situation before standby:
> crm_mon -V1
>  Master/Slave Set: ms_zends_drbd [p_zends_drbd]
>      Masters: [ FRCVD2046 ]
>      Slaves: [ FRCVD2047 ]
> Now the situation after "crm node standby":
>  Master/Slave Set: ms_zends_drbd [p_zends_drbd]
>      Masters: [ FRCVD2047 ]
>      Stopped: [ p_zends_drbd:1 ]
> And now DRBD situation on "old" Master node ( FRCVD2046 ):
> service drbd status
> 0:zendsdata  Unconfigured

Works "as designed".

> Now if i run a DRBD service reload I have this scenario:
> service drbd reload
> service drbd status
> 0:zendsdata  Connected  Secondary/Primary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C

Of course.

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

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