On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 02:07:54PM +0530, Jayanta Ghosh wrote:
> Dear List,
> We have deployed mailing solution over a two node cluster using Red  Hat
> Cluster Suit. The OS is RHEL 6.1 (64 bit) at our data center. We  are having
> an identical setup at our DR site. We need to replicate the 
>  mail store and the mail queue to the DR site. For this we are planning  to
> implement DRBD  8.4.3 (community version). We have created the DRBD related
> RPMs using  the rpmbuild command and this has generated the following
> packages:


> We have tested the drbd replication is happening. Now we would like to
> integrate the drbd with Redhat failover cluster. We have incorporated the
> changes in the cluster.conf file and the same is attached herein for your
> reference. In the cluster.conf we have called a script "drbd_manage.sh" to
> manage the operations of drbd and it is also attached herewith. 

There is a section about DRBD and rgmanager integration
in the DRBD User's Guide
That's even the first google hit on DRBD and rgmanager...
maybe you should follow it?

> But the issue is  the cluster service is not working . The errors that are
> coming up is as follows:-
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: Initializing Services
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6709]: Executing /usr/etc/cron_manage.sh 
> stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6764]: Executing /usr/etc/cron_manage.sh 
> stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6763]: Executing /etc/init.d/httpd stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6829]: Executing /etc/init.d/saslauthd stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6896]: Executing 
> /etc/init.d/courier-authlib stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[7000]: Executing /etc/init.d/courier-imap 
> stop
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[6979]: /dev/emcpowera1 is not mounted
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[7062]: Executing /etc/init.d/postfix stop
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[7097]: Executing /usr/etc/drbd_manage.sh 
> stop
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[7176]: stop: Could not match /dev/drbd2 
> with a real device
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: stop on fs "drbd-spool" returned 2 
> (invalid argument(s))
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[7213]: stop: Could not match /dev/drbd1 
> with a real device
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: stop on fs "drbd-mailstore" returned 
> 2 (invalid argument(s))
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: Services Initialized
> Aug 17 12:40:00 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: State change: Local UP
> Aug 17 12:39:59 drmail1 rgmanager[5899]: Initializing Services
> Regards,
> Jayanta ghosh

> #!/bin/sh
>     start()
>     {
>        /etc/init.d/drbd start
>        /sbin/drbdadm primary --force r0

Are you kidding me?
You hardcode primary --force,
and you hardcode the resource name?

Please.  Follow the DRBD User's Guide.
Or other RHCS + DRBD cluster tutorials which follow it.
Don't go try hack your own rgmanager integration.

It happens that people fiddle around long enough
to get it "apparently" working, but actually only
building something worse than a prove of concept.
And then still using it in production,
or selling that as solution to customers.

And then it breaks.
Because, given time and opportunity, things break.
If nothing would ever break, we would not need HA clustering.

But because it was not even a prove of concept,
but a "make-believe", it will not only break.
But break horribly, taking a lot of things with it.

And when that happens, usually no-one will blame you,
or your broken scripts or your make-believe solution.

They will blame DRBD.
And I really don't like that.

So thank you for asking on the mailing list,
that gets my hopes up a bit again ;-)

If you have problems getting the documented way working,
or following the available tutorials, please come back
to the mailing list.

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

DRBD® and LINBIT® are registered trademarks of LINBIT, Austria.
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