Hi all,

I have a PVE 4.2 cluster with 2 nodes and DRBD9.
The drbdpool virtual group size is 7.10 Tb
I have 2 VMs, each with 2 raw ide disks of 100 and 1000 Gb, so the total used space for VMs should be*2200 Gb.*
All drbd disks are UpToDate and all is working fine.

But the question is:
When I look at the summary tab of DRBD1 storage in Proxmox I see:
Size: *14.20 Tb* (OK, I assume 7.10Tb x 2)
Used: *8.76 Tb *(????)
Avail: *5.44. TB* (????)

How Used and Avail is calculated ?

Many thanks for a reply.
Piero Baudino

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