Hi all,
I’m not sure, if this is the correct mailing list to make a suggestion for a 
new storage plugin (or an extension to the existing LVM-plugin).

I have nodes with 12 disks each creating the drbdpool volume group. This could 
give me the opportunity to create LVMs in stripes to get a higher overall 

My very simple solution to get striped LVMs was to create a renamed copy of the 
lvm storage plugin (lvm12s.py), and simply modify the lvm creation command to

                  self._cmd_create, "--stripes", "12", "--stripesize", "64", 
"-n", lv_name, "-L", str(size) + "k",
instead of
                self._cmd_create, "-n", lv_name, "-L", str(size) + "k",

and of course adding this to plugins.py and to the cluster config.

I would suggest to implement a flexible method to create such striped LVMs.

Best regards,

drbd-user mailing list

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