On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 06:17:35PM +0300, Octavian Ciobanu wrote:
> Hello Lars,
> I've stopped the cluster, made changes based on your suggestion but I when
> I manually issue the command "drbdadm up ClusterDisk" on one of the nodes I
> get the following error :
> drbd.d/ClusterDisk.res:21: Parse error: 'resync-rate | c-plan-ahead |
> c-delay-target | c-fill-target | c-max-rate | c-min-rate | bitmap' expected,
>     but got 'fencing'
> Line 21 is "fencing resource-only;" line
> The global_common.conf is empty
> Here is the ClusterDisk.res file
> global {
>     usage-count no;
> }
> resource ClusterDisk {
>     protocol C;
>     device /dev/drbd0;
>     disk /dev/sdb;
>     meta-disk internal;
>     on storage01 {
>         address;
>     }
>     on storage02 {
>         address;
>     }
>     disk {
>         fencing resource-only;

Wrong. It's a net option, not a disk option.

Regards, rck
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