Here is the configuration file:


resource espejoB {



  rate 20M;

  verify-alg md5;




  wfc-timeout 15;

  degr-wfc-timeout 15;

  outdated-wfc-timeout 15;


  on Hidralia-Primario {

    device    /dev/drbd2;

    disk      /dev/sdb1;


    meta-disk internal;


  on Hidralia-Secundario {

    device    /dev/drbd2;

    disk      /dev/sdb1;


    meta-disk internal;


The partition takes all the disk, but in the new one, when I created it, was a 
little smaller. Don’t know also if it is because of the logical-physical 






[] On Behalf Of Yannis Milios
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September, 2017 3:32 AM
To: José Andrés Matamoros Guevara <>
Cc: drbd-user <>
Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] Receiving a message "disk size of peer is too small"




On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 1:50 AM, José Andrés Matamoros Guevara 
< <> > wrote:

I have two different servers with drbd replication. One disk failed in one of 
the servers. I have replaced it with a newer disk with physical sector size of 
4096 bytes. The old one is 512 bytes.


That shouldn't matter..



Now, I’m receiving a message saying “the disk size of peer is too small” and 
the resources don’t connect. If both disks are of the same size, is there any 
configuration I can make to make it work?


Depends how DRBD resource has been configured. Can you provide the .res files ? 



I’m pasting the fdisk print information of both disks. Can I create a partition 
of the same size in the new disk? What can I do to solve this problem?


If the DRBD resource is configured to use partitions instead of a full disk, 
then yes you need to create an equal or bigger partition on the new disk 




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