On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 10:10:06AM +0000, Alexander Barton wrote:
> Hello Roland,
> >> pvc1st01.int.dc3:~ # uname -a
> >> Linux pvc1st01 4.10.17-3-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.10.17-21 (Thu, 31 Aug 2017 
> >> 14:57:17 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >> pvc1st01.int.dc3:~ # cat /proc/drbd
> >> version: 9.0.9-1 (api:2/proto:86-112)
> >> GIT-hash: f7b979e7af01813e031aac579140237640c94569 build by 
> >> root@debian9-wks01, 2017-09-20 13:07:09
> >> Transports (api:16): tcp (9.0.9-1)
> >> pvc1st01.int.dc3:~ # drbdmanage --version
> >> drbdmanage 0.99.11; GIT-hash: 30082017f3c5487fac791d42bf48deb91c148204
> >   
> > Which version of the drbd-utils are you using?
> I knew I forgot something ;-)
>   # dpkg -s drbd-utils | fgrep Version:
>   Version: 9.1.1+linbit-1

Hm, that is strange, I can not reproduce it. It looks like for whatever
reason the resource file was not generated in a way where drbdadm could
have used it.

So, remove that test resource, generate a new one, and check before the
resize if the res files have been generated on both nodes
(/var/lib/drbd.d/drbdmange_$something.res). The really should, but you
can use the export-res subcommand to trigger that.

Regards, rck
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