Don't know yet. Thinking about using pacemaker, for high availability. But have 
a manually recovery to avoid split brain - corruption data situations. Maybe we 
are going to use three-four servers to have a disaster recovery site.


-----Original Message-----
From: Digimer [] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 October, 2017 12:43 PM
To: José Andrés Matamoros Guevara <>;
Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] Moving TeraBytes to drbd device

Will you be using pacemaker for auto-recovery, or are you planning to do fully 
manual recovery?


On 2017-10-05 12:19 PM, José Andrés Matamoros Guevara wrote:
> OK. That's a procedure I have thought about, but didn't know if there were 
> another more effective. I just have to check how much data I have to sync 
> during the window.
> Last question: what kind of test do you recommend to check the new drbd 
> system? I have configure a few systems but never this important.
> Thanks again,
> Andres.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Digimer []
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 October, 2017 11:11 PM
> To: José Andrés Matamoros Guevara <>; 
> Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] Moving TeraBytes to drbd device
> If it were up to me, given what I understand of your requirements (which is 
> minimal), I'd look at setting up the new DRBD system. Test it carefully and 
> when ready, do an rsync to get the bulk data over. When your windows opens, 
> re-run the rsync to copy just what's changed.
> If you're asking how to setup a DRBD based system, we'll need to know more 
> about what you want the system to do.
> cheers,
> digimer
> On 2017-10-04 11:29 PM, José Andrés Matamoros Guevara wrote:
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> Yes, I need to copy a SAN to a new drbd system. And yes, I'll check 
>> with LinBit for support if I don't find a safe solution for myself.
>> Just a question: I have been looking through the LinBit documents and 
>> haven't found exactly what I was looking for. If you can point me 
>> about what document/documents or topics I have to read about, will be great.
>> Thanks for the info.
>> Andres. 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Digimer []
>> Sent: Tuesday, 3 October, 2017 6:10 PM
>> To: José Andrés Matamoros Guevara <>; 
>> Subject: Re: [DRBD-user] Moving TeraBytes to drbd device
>> On 2017-10-03 06:57 PM, José Andrés Matamoros Guevara wrote:
>>> I have been consulted about moving multiple Terabytes to a new 
>>> system using drbd to ensure high availability. I have been thinking 
>>> on multiple scenarios to move the data as fast as I can and to have 
>>> a minimal maintenance window to change the systems.
>>> Is there any how-to or recommendation about it? I know it is not 
>>> exactly a drbd consult but I supposed you have been using it for a 
>>> while and have more idea about a best practice. I have thought to 
>>> have a backup program to copy the data and then update it during the 
>>> maintenance window, but been lots of TB, the reading/writing data 
>>> time is going to be the factor to consider.
>>> Thanks in advance and best regards, Andres.
>> The best answer is to engage LINBIT for commercial support if you've 
>> been tasked with a sensitive project and a minimal window to do it in.
>> That said, I'll share what comes to mind;
>> If you mean "move" as in "copy the data to a new system that already 
>> has DRBD configured and tested", then it is merely a question of hardware.
>> Make sure you have a sufficiently fast new system to accept the 
>> incoming volume of data within the prescribed time frame. DRBD itself 
>> has minimal overhead, so it is really a question of the speed of the 
>> disks and the replication link.
>> If you mean to convert an existing filesystem on existing hardware to 
>> be backed by DRBD, then you need to either grow the backing storage 
>> by ~32MiB per TiB of existing data, or setup a matching sized storage 
>> device and configure external metadata. With that extra space, you 
>> can setup DRBD and it will see the existing FS and data fine. You'll 
>> need a full resync to the new peer, of course. Also, test/practice 
>> outside prod thoroughly to be certain you have the steps down pat.
>> There are docs on how to do this openly available on LINBIT's website.
>> If you get stuck on certain steps, post specific questions and we'll help.
>> --
>> Digimer
>> Papers and Projects: "I am, somehow, less 
>> interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in 
>> the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in 
>> cotton fields and sweatshops." - Stephen Jay Gould
> --
> Digimer
> Papers and Projects: "I am, somehow, less 
> interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in 
> the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in 
> cotton fields and sweatshops." - Stephen Jay Gould

Papers and Projects: "I am, somehow, less interested in 
the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that 
people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." - 
Stephen Jay Gould

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