On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 01:41:54PM +0100, Yannis Milios wrote:
> - What's the difference between installing linstor-server package only
> (which includes linstor-controller and linstor-satellite) and by installing
> linstor-controller, linstor-satellite separately ?

For Debian (we did not do the package split for rpm based
distributions), you should install linstor-controller,
linstor-satellite. The linstor-server package is outdated and should not
be used. Never. Probably we should remove them from the repos. If you
use them, you get behavior you don't want. For example I saw it created
the DB in /opt/..., which should not happen.

> In Linstor documentation, it is mentioned that linstor-server package
> should be installed on all nodes.

We have to update that.

> However, in your blog post you mention
> linstor-controller,linstor-satellite and linstor-client.

That is what you should do.

> Then later, you mention 'systemctl start linstor-server' which does not
> exist if you don't install linstor-package.

Mistake in the blog post. Will fix that.

> If you try to install
> controller,satellite and server at the same time, the installation fails
> with an error in creating controller and satellite systemd units. Which of
> the above is the correct approach ?

Forget about the "linstor-server" package. Never ever use it (on Debian
based systems).

Regards, rck
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