Le 05/10/2018 à 11:06, Roland Kammerer a écrit :
> Dear Proxmox users,
> There will be a new release soon. Actually this would have been it, but
> hey, why rush a new release on a Friday when you don't have to :-). So
> let's call this an rc1.
> Notable changes:
> - Multi-Pool support

One word : WOW !

> - Fix a race between LINSTOR thinks a resource is ready vs. it being
>   actually usable. In rare cases this bit people when for example
>   converting from local storage to DRBD, and Proxmox started with its
>   "dd" too early even though the device node was not usable.
> - Many clean ups. Now it looks like real Perl (is that even a good
>   thing?). Thanks Lars! And as I can't read that Perl anymore, I hope he
>   also maintains it from now on. Do you? Do you? :-)

Please, stop trolling about Perl. You should already know that Perl7
will fix all those typos misunderstandings ;-)

> Please test if you can, if I don't hear any complaints, that will be the
> final version released early next week.

Me ! me ! I have one : we can't grow a resource from the interface (web
or cmdline).

It seems that the resource is correctly growed but proxmox core isn't
correctly informed about it.
More details here :

Do you want more feedback ? I can reserve one hour to reproduce this.

Thanks a lot,
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