
I start fresh in the meantime and everything works fine now. The only
difference is that I added a third node without storage like in this post:



On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 1:28 PM, Lars Ellenberg <lars.ellenb...@linbit.com>

> Note, just adding "--force" if DRBD refuses to promote
> is usually a Very Bad Idea™.
> Because usually DRBD has a good reason to refuse promotion.
> And "forcing" the role change
> does NOT magically make the accessible data any better.
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 09:29:08PM +0200, Daniel Hertanu wrote:
> > Hello Yannis,
> >
> > I tried that, same result, won't switch to primary.
> Well, it says:
> > >> [root@server2-drbd ~]# drbdadm primary resource01
> > >> resource01: State change failed: (-2) Need access to UpToDate data
> Does it have "access to UpToDate data"?
> Why not?
> --
> : Lars Ellenberg
> : LINBIT | Keeping the Digital World Running
> : DRBD -- Heartbeat -- Corosync -- Pacemaker
> DRBD® and LINBIT® are registered trademarks of LINBIT
> __
> please don't Cc me, but send to list -- I'm subscribed
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