On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 02:35:16PM +0530, Malhar vora wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> Does anyone know how many nodes can be supported for DRBD ?
> Can DRBD support count like 1000+ nodes ?

What Robert wote, plus:

IMO the important thing here is "at the same time or not" and "1000
times redundant"? The second one is easy, it does not make sense. For
the first one: Usually you make resource available 2 or 3 times
redundant (every bit is also on 1 or 2 different servers). And then you
have like a ton of hypervisors.  But only one connects to the storrage
at a given point in time. Or 2 because of live migration. These
hypervisors would be diskless clients, that connect to the storage via
network only. And if they don't need it anymore, another diskless client
accesses the data. Most of our plugins that integrate DRBD/LINSTOR with
other platforms like k8s, openstack, opennebula,... do exactly that:
They create storage N-times redundant and create/delete diskless
assignments on demand. So yes, conceptually you then can have 1000

Regards, rck
drbd-user mailing list

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