
another bit of information:

Following the same steps as before, after issuing

monetbase2:~# linstor storage-pool create lvmthin munchbase2 drbdpool

there is no port assigned:
monetbase2:~# linstor rd l
┊ ResourceName   ┊ Port ┊ State ┊
┊ vm-1802-disk-2 ┊      ┊ ok    ┊

Also, after issuing
monetbase2:~# linstor volume-definition create --vlmnr 0 --minor 125 
vm-1802-disk-2 44040192K

there is no VolumeMinor number assigned:
monetbase2:/var/lib/drbd.d# linstor vd l
┊ ResourceName   ┊ VolumeNr ┊ VolumeMinor ┊ Size   ┊ State ┊
┊ vm-1802-disk-2 ┊ 0        ┊             ┊ 42 GiB ┊ ok    ┊

I'd have expected port 7014 and VolumeMinor 125 to be assigned.

Maybe this helps for finding the cause.

Thanks again,


On Sun, 31 Mar 2019, Wolfgang Walkowiak wrote:


we are experiencing issues while we try to migrate an existing DRBD cluster from drbdmanage to linstor (Debian stable with proxmox for VMs) following the instructions at

The issue is that the resource files created when I execute the migration script (dmmmigrate.sh in my case) created by

monetbase2:~# drbdmanage export-ctrlvol > ctrlvol.json
monetbase2:~# linstor dm-migrate ctrlvol.json dmmmigrate.sh

contain wrong port and wrong VolumeMinor numbers.
However, the numbers are correctly assigned in the lines for the resource and volume creation inside dmmigrate.sh. This is somewhat

In order to debug it, I decided to manually execute the contents of
dmmmigrate.sh line by line. (After reverting to drbdmanage and a clean linstor installation.) I took the volume vm-1802-disk-2
which according to [A] (see below) uses port 7014 and VolumeMinor 125.

First I made sure that 'drbdmanage shutdown -qc' worked and DBUS wouldn't restart it (on both DRBD nodes). Then I disabled /etc/drbd.d/drbdctrl.res and /etc/drbd.d/drbdmanage-resources.res on both nodes, started
linstor-satellite on them and the linstor-controller on node monetbase2.

Then, following [B] from dmmmigrate.sh below, on the controller node,
monetbase2, I executed:

monetbase2:~# LS_CONTROLLERS="localhost"
monetbase2:~# export LS_CONTROLLERS
monetbase2:~# linstor node create --node-type Combined munchbase2
monetbase2:~# linstor node create --node-type Combined monetbase2
monetbase2:~# linstor n l
monetbase2:~# linstor storage-pool-definition create drbdpool
monetbase2:~# linstor storage-pool create lvmthin munchbase2 drbdpool drbdpool/drbdthinpool monetbase2:~# linstor storage-pool create lvmthin monetbase2 drbdpool drbdpool/drbdthinpool
monetbase2:~# linstor sp l

The created storage pool looked fine.

Going on:

monetbase2:~# linstor resource-definition create --port 7014 vm-1802-disk-2
monetbase2:~# linstor resource-definition drbd-options --allow-two-primaries yes vm-1802-disk-2 monetbase2:~# linstor volume-definition create --vlmnr 0 --minor 125 vm-1802-disk-2 44040192K monetbase2:~# linstor volume-definition set-property vm-1802-disk-2 0 OverrideVlmId vm-1802-disk-2_00 monetbase2:~# linstor volume-definition set-property vm-1802-disk-2 0 AllowLargerVolumeSize true monetbase2:~# linstor resource create --node-id 1 --storage-pool drbdpool munchbase2 vm-1802-disk-2 monetbase2:~# linstor resource create --node-id 0 --storage-pool drbdpool monetbase2 vm-1802-disk-2

the last command produced an error message:

monetbase2:~# linstor resource create --node-id 0 --storage-pool drbdpool monetbase2 vm-1802-disk-2
   New resource 'vm-1802-disk-2' on node 'monetbase2' registered.
Resource 'vm-1802-disk-2' on node 'monetbase2' UUID is: 30b98a7f-cb31-4635-89cd-6860b13fa5cc
Volume with number '0' on resource 'vm-1802-disk-2' on node 'monetbase2' successfully registered
   Volume UUID is: 86fc67d7-18f1-41b1-9718-4b15ddf894f9
   (Node: 'monetbase2') Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2
Show reports:
   linstor error-reports show 5CA090AF-97F26-000000
   (Node: 'munchbase2') Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2
Show reports:
   linstor error-reports show 5CA09099-17F52-000000

Now, looking at e.g. the first error report (see [C] and [D] below for the full error reports), I see:

   The full command line executed was:
   drbdadm -vvv adjust vm-1802-disk-2

   The external command sent the following output data:
   drbdsetup detach --diskless 125
   drbdsetup del-minor 125
   drbdsetup new-minor vm-1802-disk-2 1000 0
   drbdsetup disconnect vm-1802-disk-2 1
drbdsetup del-path vm-1802-disk-2 1 ipv4: ipv4: drbdsetup new-path vm-1802-disk-2 1 ipv4: ipv4:

that a wrong port and a wrong VolumeMinor number are forced.

Looking into /var/lib/linstor.d/vm-1802-disk-2.res (see [E] below),
I see that the wrong asignments are contained in this resource file.

I also see the wrong assignments using linstor now:

monetbase2:/var/lib/linstor.d# linstor vd l -p
| ResourceName   | VolumeNr | VolumeMinor | Size   | State |
| vm-1802-disk-2 | 0        | 1000        | 42 GiB | ok    |
monetbase2:/var/lib/linstor.d# linstor r l -p
| ResourceName   | Node       | Port | Usage  |    State |
| vm-1802-disk-2 | monetbase2 | 7000 | Unused | Diskless |
| vm-1802-disk-2 | munchbase2 | 7000 | Unused | Diskless |

Unfortunately, this spoils my attempt to migrate from drbdmanage to
linstor on an active system since  I could not figure out,
how to modify the port number and the VolumeMinor using the linstor client. I'll revert to the drbdmanage setup for now.

However, I would be grateful if someone knowledgable could have a look
and see whether this is a bug or a mistake on my side.  A workaround
(like how force these two numbers with a linstor client command) would be appreciated.

Sorry for the long post.  Hopefully I have provided enough details.

Thank you for having a look,


[A] -------------------------

munchbase2:~# drbdmanage list-volumes -p -g Port
| Name | Vol ID | Size | Minor | Port | | State |
| vm-1801-disk-1  |      0 |  32 GiB |   103 | 7000 |                | ok |
| vm-103-disk-2   |      0 |   1 TiB |   104 | 7001 |                | ok |
| vm-103-disk-3   |      0 |   2 TiB |   105 | 7002 |                | ok |
| vm-103-disk-4   |      0 |   1 TiB |   106 | 7003 |                | ok |
| vm-103-disk-5   |      0 | 500 GiB |   107 | 7004 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-2   |      0 |   1 TiB |   108 | 7005 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-3   |      0 |   2 TiB |   109 | 7006 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-4   |      0 |   1 TiB |   111 | 7007 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-5   |      0 | 500 GiB |   112 | 7008 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-6   |      0 | 100 GiB |   113 | 7009 |                | ok |
| vm-1802-disk-1  |      0 |  32 GiB |   114 | 7010 |                | ok |
| vm-105-disk-2   |      0 | 200 GiB |   120 | 7011 |                | ok |
| vm-104-disk-1   |      0 |  18 GiB |   119 | 7012 |                | ok |
| vm-105-disk-1   |      0 |  32 GiB |   121 | 7013 |                | ok |
| vm-1802-disk-2  |      0 |  42 GiB |   125 | 7014 |                | ok |
| vm-1801-disk-12 |      0 |  32 GiB |   123 | 7015 |                | ok |
| vm-103-disk-1   |      0 |  50 GiB |   126 | 7016 |                | ok |
| vm-102-disk-1   |      0 |  50 GiB |   127 | 7017 |                | ok |
| vm-106-disk-1   |      0 |  32 GiB |   128 | 7018 |                | ok |

[B] -------------------------


# If the controller is not executed on the local host, set this variable:
### Nodes ###
linstor node create --node-type Combined munchbase2
linstor node create --node-type Combined monetbase2

### Storage ###
linstor storage-pool-definition create drbdpool
linstor storage-pool create lvmthin munchbase2 drbdpool drbdpool/drbdthinpool
linstor storage-pool create lvmthin monetbase2 drbdpool drbdpool/drbdthinpool
### Resource: vm-1802-disk-2 ###
linstor resource-definition create --port 7014 vm-1802-disk-2
linstor resource-definition drbd-options --allow-two-primaries yes vm-1802-disk-2 linstor volume-definition create --vlmnr 0 --minor 125 vm-1802-disk-2 44040192K linstor volume-definition set-property vm-1802-disk-2 0 OverrideVlmId vm-1802-disk-2_00 linstor volume-definition set-property vm-1802-disk-2 0 AllowLargerVolumeSize true linstor resource create --node-id 1 --storage-pool drbdpool munchbase2 vm-1802-disk-2 linstor resource create --node-id 0 --storage-pool drbdpool monetbase2 vm-1802-disk-2

[C] ------------------

monetbase2:/etc/linstor# linstor error-reports show 5CA090AF-97F26-000000
ERROR REPORT 5CA090AF-97F26-000000


Application:                        LINBIT® LINSTOR
Module:                             Satellite
Version:                            0.9.4
Build ID: ff7acd2330eb0cbbdcfae5c3a1ec7a8eba5df3c2
Build time:                         2019-03-29T09:40:59+00:00
Error time:                         2019-03-31 12:49:17
Node:                               monetbase2


Reported error:

   Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2

Category:                           LinStorException
Class name:                         ResourceException
Class canonical name: com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.exceptions.ResourceException Generated at: Method 'adjustDrbd', Source file 'DrbdLayer.java', Line #432

Error message: Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2

Error context:
An error occurred while processing resource 'Node: 'monetbase2', Rsc: 'vm-1802-disk-2''

Call backtrace:

   Method                                   Native Class:Line number
adjustDrbd N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:432 process N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:243 process N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:598 processResourcesAndTheirSnapshots N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:256 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:124 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:244 phaseDispatchDeviceHandlers N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:855 devMgrLoop N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:597 run N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:514
   run                                      N      java.lang.Thread:748

Caused by:

   Execution of the external command 'drbdadm' failed.
   The external command exited with error code 1.
   - Check whether the external program is operating properly.
   - Check whether the command line is correct.
Contact a system administrator or a developer if the command line is no longer valid
     for the installed version of the external program.
Additional information:
   The full command line executed was:
   drbdadm -vvv adjust vm-1802-disk-2

   The external command sent the following output data:
   drbdsetup detach --diskless 125
   drbdsetup del-minor 125
   drbdsetup new-minor vm-1802-disk-2 1000 0
   drbdsetup disconnect vm-1802-disk-2 1
drbdsetup del-path vm-1802-disk-2 1 ipv4: ipv4: drbdsetup new-path vm-1802-disk-2 1 ipv4: ipv4:

   The external command sent the follwing error information:
    [ne] vol:0 minor differs: r=125 c=1000
Value of 'shared-secret' differs: r=bXj5Gn1qO2YXgQoX6wLE c=aPDz2JoXsWxbscd2j70f vm-1802-disk-2: Failure: (173) Combination of local address(port) and remote address(port) already in use

Command 'drbdsetup new-path vm-1802-disk-2 1 ipv4: ipv4:' terminated with exit code 10

Category:                           LinStorException
Class name:                         ExtCmdFailedException
Class canonical name: com.linbit.extproc.ExtCmdFailedException
Generated at: Method 'execute', Source file 'DrbdAdm.java', Line #455

Error message: The external command 'drbdadm' exited with error code 1

Call backtrace:

   Method                                   Native Class:Line number
execute N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.utils.DrbdAdm:455 adjust N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.utils.DrbdAdm:86 adjustDrbd N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:414 process N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:243 process N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:598 processResourcesAndTheirSnapshots N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:256 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:124 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:244 phaseDispatchDeviceHandlers N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:855 devMgrLoop N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:597 run N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:514
   run                                      N      java.lang.Thread:748


[D] ------------------

monetbase2:/etc/linstor#  linstor error-reports show 5CA09099-17F52-000000
ERROR REPORT 5CA09099-17F52-000000


Application:                        LINBIT® LINSTOR
Module:                             Satellite
Version:                            0.9.4
Build ID: ff7acd2330eb0cbbdcfae5c3a1ec7a8eba5df3c2
Build time:                         2019-03-29T09:40:59+00:00
Error time:                         2019-03-31 12:49:17
Node:                               munchbase2


Reported error:

   Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2

Category:                           LinStorException
Class name:                         ResourceException
Class canonical name: com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.exceptions.ResourceException Generated at: Method 'adjustDrbd', Source file 'DrbdLayer.java', Line #432

Error message: Failed to adjust DRBD resource vm-1802-disk-2

Error context:
An error occurred while processing resource 'Node: 'munchbase2', Rsc: 'vm-1802-disk-2''

Call backtrace:

   Method                                   Native Class:Line number
adjustDrbd N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:432 process N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:243 process N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:598 processResourcesAndTheirSnapshots N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:256 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:124 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:244 phaseDispatchDeviceHandlers N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:855 devMgrLoop N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:597 run N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:514
   run                                      N      java.lang.Thread:748

Caused by:

   Execution of the external command 'drbdadm' failed.
   The external command exited with error code 1.
   - Check whether the external program is operating properly.
   - Check whether the command line is correct.
Contact a system administrator or a developer if the command line is no longer valid
     for the installed version of the external program.
Additional information:
   The full command line executed was:
   drbdadm -vvv adjust vm-1802-disk-2

   The external command sent the following output data:
drbdsetup new-peer vm-1802-disk-2 0 --_name=monetbase2 --allow-two-primaries=yes --shared-secret=aPDz2JoXsWxbscd2j70f --cram-hmac-alg=sha1 drbdsetup new-path vm-1802-disk-2 0 ipv4: ipv4:

   The external command sent the follwing error information:
   Value of 'rs-discard-granularity' differs: r=524288 c=65536
vm-1802-disk-2: Failure: (173) Combination of local address(port) and remote address(port) already in use

Command 'drbdsetup new-path vm-1802-disk-2 0 ipv4: ipv4:' terminated with exit code 10

Category:                           LinStorException
Class name:                         ExtCmdFailedException
Class canonical name: com.linbit.extproc.ExtCmdFailedException
Generated at: Method 'execute', Source file 'DrbdAdm.java', Line #455

Error message: The external command 'drbdadm' exited with error code 1

Call backtrace:

   Method                                   Native Class:Line number
execute N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.utils.DrbdAdm:455 adjust N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.utils.DrbdAdm:86 adjustDrbd N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:414 process N com.linbit.linstor.storage.layer.adapter.drbd.DrbdLayer:243 process N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:598 processResourcesAndTheirSnapshots N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:256 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceHandlerImpl:124 dispatchResources N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:244 phaseDispatchDeviceHandlers N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:855 devMgrLoop N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:597 run N com.linbit.linstor.core.devmgr.DeviceManagerImpl:514
   run                                      N      java.lang.Thread:748


[E] --------------------------

# This file was generated by linstor(0.9.4), do not edit manually.

resource "vm-1802-disk-2"
   template-file "linstor_common.conf";

       cram-hmac-alg     sha1;
       shared-secret     "TKoHhL4KThL165NGg/ja";
       allow-two-primaries yes;

   on monetbase2
       volume 0
           disk        /dev/drbdpool/vm-1802-disk-2_00;
               discard-zeroes-if-aligned yes;
               rs-discard-granularity 65536;
           meta-disk   internal;
           device      minor 1000;
       node-id    0;

   on munchbase2
       volume 0
           disk        /dev/drbd/this/is/not/used;
               discard-zeroes-if-aligned yes;
               rs-discard-granularity 65536;
           meta-disk   internal;
           device      minor 1000;
       node-id    1;

       host monetbase2 address ipv4;
       host munchbase2 address ipv4;


 Dr. Wolfgang Walkowiak     Phone: +49-271-740-3889
 Fakultaet IV / Physik      Fax  : +49-271-740-3886
 Emmy Noether Campus
 Universitaet Siegen    --> wolfgang.walkow...@hep.physik.uni-siegen.de
 Walter-Flex-Str. 3         wolfgang.walkow...@gmx.net
 57068 Siegen



  Dr. Wolfgang Walkowiak     Phone: +49-271-740-3889
  Fakultaet IV / Physik      Fax  : +49-271-740-3886
  Emmy Noether Campus
  Universitaet Siegen    --> wolfgang.walkow...@hep.physik.uni-siegen.de
  Walter-Flex-Str. 3         wolfgang.walkow...@gmx.net
  57068 Siegen

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